Emotional Asser­ti­ve­ness – Buch-Tipps

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Book Cover Fore-play Fair-play Foul-play

Fore-play Fair-play Foul-play

Emotional Asser­ti­ve­ness: the Happi­ness Equation

Das Buch führt in die Grund­lagen des Konzepts hinter Emotional Asser­ti­ve­ness (EAI®).

Happi­ness is not a luxury; it is our birth­right. This bold state­ment is the ‘golden thread’ that runs through the tapestry of this book on Emotional Asser­ti­ve­ness. Fore-play, Fair-play and Foul-play covers what emotions are, the link between emotion and feelings, child develo­p­ment and paren­ting, the place of love and relati­onship and the central role of respect in achie­ving more happi­ness in our relati­onships and lives. Learn to recog­nise the diffe­rence between healthy and unhealthy emotional expres­sion, and recog­nise that there are no negative emotions, only how we commu­ni­cate emotion.

Autor: John Parr, Msc

Das Buch ist aktuell Engli­scher Sprache erhält­lich –  https://www.thegreatbritishbookshop.co.uk/products/fore-play-fair-play-and-foul-play
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Buch Cover Whats Love got to do with it

What’s LOVE got to do with it?

Harnes­sing the Power of Love in your Relationships!

Das Buch ist eine “Tiefen­boh­rung” in ein wichtiges Kapitel von Emotional Asser­ti­ve­ness (EAI®).

What’s Love Got to Do With It is a capti­vating explo­ra­tion of how love is vital to survival and well-being.

Love is much more than just a feeling. It’s a complex combi­na­tion of emotions, behaviors, and biolo­gical drives that play an integral role in our relati­onships, mental health, and physical health.

Drawing on a range of personal experi­ences, scien­tific research, and practical exercises, this book reveals the incre­dible power of love and how it impacts our lives in ways we may not even realise. You’ll discover how love is essen­tial for building strong relati­onships, overco­ming trauma, and achie­ving personal growth.

Autor: John Parr, Msc

Das Buch ist aktuell in Engli­scher Sprache erhält­lich –  https://www.thegreatbritishbookshop.co.uk/products/what-s-love-got-to-do-with-it
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