Conflict compe­tence – “Mindset meets Method”

Conflict compe­tence is not only a question of method – it is above all a question of mindset. Even the smallest irrita­tions can have conflict poten­tial. Valuing, trust and confi­dence create safety, curious interest and consis­tency. Together with the right method, this forms the basis for conflict competence.

Stop fighting against the wave, surf on it!

Don’t get drained by many-voiced teams or by diffi­cult clients. Interact differ­ently and use the inter­ac­tions to create fresh solutions.
Shift The Perspec­tive – Go For Aspira­tions Behind Positions – Use The Language Of The Other Person
Curious about how to surf the wave in diffi­cult conversations?
Leading Out Of Drama® with the concept of compas­sio­nate accountability,
Process Commu­ni­ca­tion Model® with the concept of agile commu­ni­ca­tion and
Positive Intel­li­gence® with the concept of presence and mental strength
are proven frame­works for positive conflict and successful communication!

“You made me feel bad!” – The sweat­pants of emotional self-determination

Can other people be respon­sible for our feelings? Are we able to deter­mine the feelings of others? Whoever believes this has given up emotional self-determination!

Clear, calm, laser-focused in a job interview

As career coach I am often asked the question of how to be focused and impactful in stressful situa­tions. You hold two keys to success in your hands: Follow a clear-cut process to step up fully with your perso­na­lity and exper­tise and activate your mental strength to stay calm and clear under stress.

Why does negative drag us down more than positive uplifts us?

Why does negative drag us down more than positive uplifts us? And why is it so critical for us to have a minimum ratio of 3 to 1 positive versus negative?
If you are above this ratio you are uplifted by a vortex of positi­vity and if you are below it you are feeling conti­nu­ally dragged down by a vortex of negati­vity. Thank you Shirzad Chamine for compi­ling relevant research on this 3 to 1 ratio in your book “Positive Intel­li­gence” and adding your own studies of the PQ vortex for describing this energetic phenomenon.

World gathe­ring with the “father” of Process Commu­ni­ca­tion Model – Dr. Taibi Kahler

World gathe­ring with the “father” of the Process­Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on­Model®, psycho­lo­gist Dr. Taibi Kahler. Thank you Taibi for once more bringing the perso­na­lity and commu­ni­ca­tion model to life in your inspi­ring, expres­sive and unique way – the focus on the process of…

Can your perspec­tive influence your energy and your performance?

We all experi­ence perma­nent change around us and uncer­tainty about what lays ahead of us. Covid has poten­tiated all this. What are your thoughts and emotions about it? Many of us feel stress and exhaus­tion, working overtime to compen­sate for what is feared. We may also put our head in the sand focus­sing on agreeable stuff, never­less having anxiety linger in the back of our mind. Or we may jump recklessly from chance to chance for fear of missing out, seldom giving our brain a rest.
There is a way out which reduces stress and increases perfor­mance with immediate short-term and sutainable long-term effects. Here are some first hacks on mental fitness to get started.