As career coach I am often asked the question of how to be focused and impactful in stressful situations. You hold two keys to success in your hands: Follow a clear-cut process to step up fully with your personality and expertise and activate your mental strength to stay calm and clear under stress.
Ihre Suchergebnisse
Why does negative drag us down more than positive uplifts us?
Why does negative drag us down more than positive uplifts us? And why is it so critical for us to have a minimum ratio of 3 to 1 positive versus negative?
If you are above this ratio you are uplifted by a vortex of positivity and if you are below it you are feeling continually dragged down by a vortex of negativity. Thank you Shirzad Chamine for compiling relevant research on this 3 to 1 ratio in your book “Positive Intelligence” and adding your own studies of the PQ vortex for describing this energetic phenomenon.
Mental Fitness
Mental Fitness – peak performance and inner peace in crises and challenges!
Mental Fitness means to face all the different challenges of life with a positive mindset and not with agitation and stress!
Can your perspective influence your energy and your performance?
We all experience permanent change around us and uncertainty about what lays ahead of us. Covid has potentiated all this. What are your thoughts and emotions about it? Many of us feel stress and exhaustion, working overtime to compensate for what is feared. We may also put our head in the sand focussing on agreeable stuff, neverless having anxiety linger in the back of our mind. Or we may jump recklessly from chance to chance for fear of missing out, seldom giving our brain a rest.
There is a way out which reduces stress and increases performance with immediate short-term and sutainable long-term effects. Here are some first hacks on mental fitness to get started.