World gathe­ring with the “father” of Process Commu­ni­ca­tion Model – Dr. Taibi Kahler

by | 17. Apr 2021

World gathe­ring with the “father” of the Process­Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on­Model®, psycho­lo­gist Dr. Taibi Kahler. 
Thank you Taibi for once more bringing the perso­na­lity and commu­ni­ca­tion model to life in your inspi­ring, expres­sive and unique way – the focus on the process of commu­ni­ca­tion, the integra­tion of diver­sity, and the tool to connect and motivate indivi­du­ally from second to second. PCM is a very impactful practical tool of #SelfLea­der­ship, #Leadin­gO­thers, #Stress­Ma­nage­ment and #Agile­Com­mu­ni­ca­tion which is used in business and educa­tion world-wide and cross-cultu­rally. PCM – the tool to make a daily diffe­rence
Thank you Cyril Colli­gnon and Mickaël Dufour­neaud for making this happen! For more infor­ma­tion on PCM: