(New) Career with 50plus
Your goal – your path – your success
Fresh impetus for a successful job change
- the right job, not just any job!
You are in the middle of your professional life and in the process of a job change. Perhaps one of the following scenarios applies to you: You are wondering what the opportunities for 50plus are in the job market. You are exempt or laid off and are still hanging on to your previous company with very mixed feelings. You are wondering where your potential lies for your next career move. You want to take the chance now for a new phase in your professional bio and are unsure how exempt and liberated you may think and plan in the context of your personal commitments. You are successful and yet unfulfilled in your job and stuck in your current career. You are in a transition process full of question marks about what is the right path strategically and personally right now. Maybe your experience is a mix of all this and more!
The path to a successful job change starts with you – with your goals, with your expertise and experience, with your successes and with your personality! Your passion and your very individual usp, the added value you create are decisive. Where this meets the market is the key to success. In order to be effective with all you have and to be at your best, one key competency is fundamental – your mental strength. Much like an athlete in competition, it is crucial that you (can) act with clarity, calm and presence in the challenging context of a job transition with all its uncertainty and also individual setbacks, or that you can quickly regain calmness and focus in any stressful situation. This also means not being driven and determined by frustration, disappointment or anger looking back into the past or by insecurity, self-doubt or nervousness looking ahead into the future. Your mental strength and a positive basic attitude determine your well-being and your performance and, quite decisively, your impact on others!
Career Coaching für Ihren Erfolg!
- Clarity and security for your professional goal, development of your USP and professionalism in your appearance
- Mental strength for dealing productively with challenges and setbacks
- Purposeful and target-oriented application processes, sustainable networking and impactful interviews
- Decision for the new job and successful onboarding
Individual – consistent – resonant
- Career Coach and PQ Mental Fitness Coach
- Long-term corporate career as a manager
- Broad industry experience as trainer and coach, with a focus on automotive, mechanical and plant engineering, medical technology and IT
- Own transition experience with 50plus into a new career, after 20 years in management starting self-employment and building up my own business
Interested in a free coaching session with me?
Just book your 30 minute appointment in my calendar:
or contact me
More about Mental Fitness on
More about my Career Coaching
coming soon
““Uta Nachbaur has always motivated me and given me the right advice. Although my search took longer than I had hoped, Uta Nachbaur never doubted me. This helped me to stick to my “dream position”. And it worked! Excellent support!”
“Very professional consulting! Uta Nachbaur supported my professional reorientation in a targeted manner and with a lot of know-how and systematics. Developing and creating my short profile was very valuable – personally as a motivational boost and professionally as a presentation of my USP. A big praise to her; she moved me to my new future and made it possible to rediscover my potential and my perspectives..”
“Training my mental fitness as part of the Career Coaching was great and absolutely amazing in its effect. Stimuli and reflections in the minute range lead to constant and impressive effects! And the neuroscientific basis is convincing. It has helped me massively in my professional reorientation and it is for me an asset for life – no matter what challenges come. It’s great how I can put a completely different focus on my day with these little PQ Rep tidbits: clear headed, laser-focused action.”
“Very competent consultant who was able to empathize with my situation. She helped me deal with my experience of separation from my previous company and refocused me on the future. This was paramount to the success of my career reorientation. I always had a smile on my face after the coaching sessions. Consultations were always informational and motivational boosts at the same time! The communication seminar and interview training were also very effective and practical. The success in my job interviews showed it!
“The mix of goal coaching, support in creating professional application documents, interview training, and support in starting the new job was just perfect. Thank you!””