Drama Resili­ence Special 2024


For free: Drama Resili­ence Assess­ment & 60-Minute Debrief
for the first 10 people interested!


and for all others: Reduced price for all those who register in 2024!Drama Resilience Assessment

How drama resilient are you in challen­ging conversations?

Can you use the energy contained in conflicts for good results instead of falling into drama behavior, attacking others, rescuing or belitt­ling yourself? What happens when situa­tions trigger you, which skills are then effec­tive and how easily can you activate them?

The Drama Resili­ence Assess­ment[1] shows you your drama risks and resili­ence strengths. And in the debrief with me, you will learn the first steps on how to streng­then and train your resili­ence and become more effec­tive in conver­sa­tions and conflicts.

The chall­enge in the profes­sional world is to create clarity and commit­ment while achie­ving and maintai­ning good contact at eye level. The aim is neither to sacri­fice a good connec­tion to the other person for the sake of commit­ment nor remain wishy-washy in order to save connec­tion and good contact.

This is highly relevant in leader­ship, in perfor­mance and feedback discus­sions, in meetings and also in negotia­tion rounds and conflicts.

Drama Resili­ence is the key! Are you curious about how strong your resili­ence is and what you can do?

I have a special offer for your entry into more resili­ence and effec­tive tools:
Take advan­tage of the licensed Drama Resili­ence Assess­ment and a personal 60-minute debrief with me – in German or English.

The first 10 who register and complete the assess­ment by December 31, 2024 will receive both the assess­ment and the debrief free of charge[2].

And all other others who are interested and register in 2024 will receive a special price for 2025! Register here and find out more:

Experi­ence your drama resilience .

  • Gain aware­ness of your behavi­oral patterns in negative conflicts
  • Gain a better under­stan­ding of what triggers the drama roles – perse­cutor, rescuer, victim
  • Gain tips on how to argue constructively
  • Experi­ence a pragmatic and practical way that you can pass on to your team.

I look forward to seeing you!


LOD Facilitator Badge
Uta Nachbaur

There are currently no tickets available.

The event is currently fully booked.
Further regis­tra­tion for this event is currently not possible.


3 days left to RSVP
RSVP Here 


[1] The Drama Resili­ence Assess­ment is a develo­p­ment and intellec­tual property of Next Element Consul­ting, LLC

[2] Applies if the assess­ment is completed by 12/31/2024 12:00 CET. The debrie­fing can also be scheduled for 2025.